Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Global Startups and Provincial Thinking

Global Startups and Provincial Thinking

If you be following or are into the startup fever, you probably hear all this before "Global startup" "Global solutions!", "Innovation", "Disruptiveness".
In this startup world, you will find basically two groups, the ones with the ideas and the other with the capital.
The idea group is very large! The popular saying “Everyone has a great idea and a behind!” is very much true! I will not talk about what is expected from this group when presentring an new idea to the other group, because it is quite well documented in all web site related to the matter!
Then comes the “team” matter! Great teams are always the first step and a must requirement. So for a startup to be Global it will probably be a good thing to have a GLOBAL team on it! Very few have! No one has solve the global team problem, yet (here is another good idea for a startup! KKK).
How do I met a co-founder from another KEY market/country for my startup?
Team diversity will definitely help any startup to have a better understanding of the globalized world!
Various success cases have discovered a different reason for its success in different places because the conditions are so different. WhatsApp is the one that comes to mind. For me the reason for it success in Brazil is the cost of mobile in Brazil. We have one of the most expansive charges per call. You can buy a one day internet access for US$0,35 that gives you some 10Mb but a simple 1 minute call costs US$0,35 too! So WhatsApp is driving mobile companies in Brazil nuts!
Did you know this? Does the same happen in other countries?
Them, contacting the capital people. If you tried it you know what I mean! They say in their web sites that they are looking for great ideas, teams, scalable companies, innovative business models, disruptive companies and tech! TRUE GLOBAL!
But them, the provincial thinking starts to take over! If you made a simple an innocent mistake, the hammer drops on you!
DUDE!! I am from a different culture! I AM GOING to STEP on your TOE!
The question is – Did I did it on purpose because I am a SOB or was a culture difference only?
If a co-founder is willing to contact you, the money people that are everywhere just like the idea people, he/she has make a huge decision! He/She is willing to go to a strange, distant and different place to get your hard capital to make all that you posted on your web site!
So give him/her some breading space! Try to be a GLOBAL INDIVIDUAL! Be GLOBAL THINKER! BE tolerant and you will find out AND LEAR GREAT AND MARVELOUS THINGS  and not a provincial SOB!