Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Brazilian Justice.

Brazilian Justice, a very Injustice system!

I am no lawyer or Judge, but I truly believe that JUSTICE is a fundamental right that can be easily explain and be part of everyone's daily life if common sense is applied. So what, in my opinion, are the fundamental aspects that a JUSTICE system must have in order to be an effective part of a society?

The first and most important is the absence of impunity! If you commit a crime you must pay for it! The punishment must fit the crime! These are quite obvious, so Does Brazil have it? Let me give you some recent examples and you take your conclusions:

In Brazil, juvenile criminals (Brazilian Law says that under 18 years of age are consider "children" and a special set of laws applied to them!) are on the rise! Adult’s career criminals use these “children” to commit crimes on their behalf and benefit from it! A juvenile criminal cannot be convicted to a normal imprisonment term in a public jail. He will get no more than the time to reach his adulthood. So you he/she is 17 years and 11 months old and kills someone, he will spend no more than a month on a juvenile facility for the crime committed! Sure a judge can see the absurd of it! There are legal mechanisms to impose a harder punishment, but for a Judge is easier not to do so and let it get out of his court! So impunity and no punishment that fits the crime is ever applied to these "children”.

Brazilian Justice System has a unique mathematical calculus system! You will not be impersonated for more than 30 years regardless of your crime! If you have “good antecedents”, “good behavior” and other strange legal terms, you time in jail will be cut to 1/6 of your full term! So if you kill someone for the “first” time, you may be out in just 6 years! Again, a Judge has legal mechanisms to impose a harder punishment and let you stay in the jail for much longer, but for a Judge is easier not to do so and let it get out of his court!

In Brazil murders by fire arms in 2013 were 35.000!! Car “accidents” killed another 54.000 Brazilians!! Accordingly to the “It was no accident” organization site ( just 8 Brazilians were convicted for a driving car accident resulting in someone’s death! 54.000 deaths happed and just 8 convictions in 2013! IMPUNITY RULES! Car accidents in Brazil are in most cases done by middle and upper middle classes criminals! So the Justice System clearly favors those criminals! Fire arms crimes convictions in Brazil is less than 8%! ( We have more than a war zone death tool and a conviction of less than 8%, IMPUNITY RULES!

These patterns of Injustice are widely spread in Brazilian society! Brazilian society has this strange behavior of complaining but no acting! So I think the picture is clear! Crimes pay off in Brazil! Again in a normal situation, we would expect that Society acts to correct such IMPUNITY, but you have to understand Brazilian society (and any other underdeveloped country) to understand why is does not happen! Lowers classes in Brazil (about 65-75% of the population) are educated in the public education system, which I have comment on a previous text on this blog. This education system is set up to keep the status quo! So they don’t know yet how to make the changes and enforce it on our Legal and Law Systems! Education and Elections takes time!

Judges in Brazil are not afraid of any of his actions and when caught on a crime, normally he/she gets an early retirement! IMPUNITY RULES!!

The upper classes in Brazil use to have no interest on JUSTICE FOR ALL! Simply because they are the criminals that most profit from not having a JUSTICE System working and punishing! But like everything else if life, the bill is presented! This bill is being presented in the most savage and ruffles ways! CRIMES are getting into their homes! I mean it for real! In Brazilian Cities, criminals are getting into your home when you are in it! Murders, car accidents, death is on the rise! Surely the numbers are proportional to the population classes, but at these levels, crimes to middle and upper classes reached staggering numbers! Citizens of these social classes that assumed they were immune to crimes are finally seeing that they are not! These staggering numbers, I hope, will finally make us to see and understand that JUSTICE FOR ALL is the only way!

If you have IMPUNITY, no Legal System is present and savage takes over! I can only hope and do my part to show my friends in the middle and upper classes that JUSTICE FOR ALL AND THE END OF IMPUNITY is the only way to a better future for ALL!!!

My next post will be why I love Brazil so much!

All the best,

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