Mobile App in Sports.
Mobile App is a fever like no other before! Nevertheless, this fever has created some marvelous solutions and horrible nightmares! Sure, everybody thinks he got it right! I am not so sure there is a right, but I am sure the rights are changing as fast as the fever spreads globally!The standard in the business is get users and success is secure! This still true to some extend but some changes are approaching fast! First let´s see what an Mobile App MUST have:
First an App MUST bring value to the user. Here validation is never enough! Don't fool yourself by asking friends and family members! Go to the mattress! Take your worse kind of of user and ask all questions that you don't want to ask! Go with a devils advocate so you have someone really listening the answers!
Second, don't think that to get users is easy! It is very hard! User are like sardines in the ocean, they may move in flocks but they are fast, difficult to catch and chossy! If you App may have natural funnels much better! Funnels are like fishnets, they grab thousands of users for you and bring them on board of your boat!
Third, protect your interests by patenting your innovation! You can search US and WIPO patent office online! Ask broad and general questions and read through the patentes you find! In case of doubt, ask your patent lawyer! Don't waste time in making a full, perfect and good looking App. Get your MVP into the e-stores as fast and as cheap as you can! Get returns from your users!
Monetization is KEY! The more monetization solutions you have more attractive to investors you became! Here a good thing to keep in mind is crowdfunding! Small values multiply by very large numbers of users makes money! Mobile App is great, but versions for WEB and Smart TVs should also be contemplated!
So you may be asking, what about mobile App in Sports?
Well let´s see about that! Sport fans are a different kind of users! Why? PASSION! I am Brazilian and we are well know to do crazy things for our beloved football clubs! When my Corinthians won the Fifa's World Club Championship in Tokyo, there were over 20K brazilian fans in Japan! This is know in Brazil as the Brazilian invasion of Japan! So what kind of value a sport fan wants, what is relevant to the fan? Is it similar on every country or different? The PASSION is the same, cultural aspects made the differences!
My validation in Brazil clear shows that to the fan, first is his beloved club! He may have several in different sports but the fan behaves similarly to all! He gets involved, get into arguments and discussions and he/she always defends his beloved club with all his strength!
In sports there are natural funnels, sports fans goes to sport arenas and stadiums! It is cheaper and faster to do a marketing campaign with flyers and banners on the entrance of the sport arena/stadium than spend money elsewhere! If you have a partner on the campaign, even better (beer manufactures, sport clothing, etc.)!
I am doing all the above on my FansNet! I hope you become a fan of FansNet and help your beloved club by using it!
Next I will talk about what is happening in IT and startups in Alagoas, Brazil!
All the best,
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